Tag: fixture

August 3, 2021 Looking back on the year so far

Dear Hawks Families, The fixture for round 7 is now available: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/org/eastern-districts-junior-basketball-association-edjba/edjba-winter-2021/532e7f37 Important reminder below from EDJBA in regards to COVID-19 restrictions still in place. Spectators ARE NOT…

Banyule Hawks , 0 353
July 29, 2021 Looking back on the year so far

Dear Hawks Families, We are back (again)! Fixture for Saturday now available : https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/org/eastern-districts-junior-basketball-association-edjba/edjba-winter-2021/532e7f37 Thank you all for your patience as the EDJBA have worked through some significant challenges…

Banyule Hawks 0 303