Team contacts take the administrative load off the coach, allowing the coach to concentrate on the game and on the players. A team contact is responsible for:
- Communication between various parties such as coach and parents, or coach and co-ordinators.
- Ensuring all players are aware of training and game times, and any changes.
- Organising a scoring roster, so that the same people are not left to score each week.
- Ensuring that the coaches name and the players (names and numbers) are on the PlayHQ scoring system before a match
Team contacts should keep/carry a copy of all documentation such as the team sheet which will give them each player’s name, singlet number, parent’s names and contact telephone numbers. Team contacts should inform the co-ordinators of any discrepancies in the team sheet such as: telephone numbers incorrect or players not playing.
Note that every effort must be made to field a team for each game. The Operations Coordinator can be contacted to assist you in arranging suitable fill-in players. In many instances you may know players who can ‘fill in’ and contact them directly, however, it is courteous to make the coach of their primary team is happy for that person to play a second game. N.B. A fine is imposed on the club if we do not field a team for a match.The by-laws that detail who can be used as a ‘fill in’ are available on the EDJBA website.