This week is National Volunteers Week and we are celebrating our volunteer coaches. Our Club is only as strong as our coaches. We have 93 volunteer coaches, 19 of which are youth coaches. Each of these coaches gives up an hour a week for training and at least another hour for game day, and then numerous other hours prepping, looking for drills and undertaking training and team activities. For some coaches who coach multiple teams, they contribute each week is up to 6 hours a week to help out club and players.
The Club is deeply grateful to all of our coaches.
If you are interested in coaching or taking in any other volunteer roles, please contact We are currently looking for people to help with child safety, events, social media, well-being and conduct.
We wanted to use this week to introduce you to a few of these wonderful people and share their stories.
Today, meet Mark…
What team do you coach?
- Girls U11.02 & Girls U15.04
How long have you been coaching?
- Started coaching in 2019
Tell us a little about you
- I am 44 years old, Married, 2 daughters Sara aged 13, Choe aged 9 and a 16 year old dog Coco.
- I love my sport, could play and watch sport all day long. Super competitive and even in a little game of mini golf I take way too seriously. I Played footy all my life up to the age of 30 for Doncaster East and basketball on a social basis. Now that the body is getting a bit old I try and get out for a round of golf every now and then.
- I love being social and spending time with my family and friends.
What made you volunteer?
- It was always a dream to have 2 boys and coach their footy team
. After having 2 girls and weekends full of Dancing and Gymnastics things had to change, slowly my eldest daughter moved into Basketball. My dad always coached me in junior footy and you never realise until you are older how much it means. I always love being involved in my daughters activates and helping out, as soon as there was no basketball coach for Sara’s team back in 2019 I was the first one to put my hand up.
What’s the best thing about coaching?
- I just love spending time with kids and watching them develop skills and make new friends. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing big smiles on their faces after a tough day at school and playing basketball. The thing with sport and basketball is it teaches you at a young age how important a team is and leadership, which without knowing it will transition into any environment. It also does make you feel young and as crazy as it sounds I look forward to every training session and every game.
What advice would you have for someone thinking about volunteering?
- My advice is give it a try, remember these kids are playing basketball to have fun and learn new skills. To be involved in this part of their lives is very rewarding. There is so much support from Banyule Hawks, other coaches and of course You Tube! Just one warning it is addictive in a good way, straight after a game you start to think about the next training session and what you want to work on.