This week is National Volunteers Week and we are celebrating our volunteer coaches. Our Club is only as strong as our coaches. We have 93 volunteer coaches, 19 of which are youth coaches. Each of these coaches gives up an hour a week for training and at least another hour for game day, and then numerous other hours prepping, looking for drills and undertaking training and team activities. For some coaches who coach multiple teams, they contribute each week is up to 6 hours a week to help out club and players.
The Club is deeply grateful to all of our coaches.

If you are interested in coaching or taking in any other volunteer roles, please contact We are currently looking for people to help with child safety, events, social media, well-being and conduct.

We wanted to use this week to introduce you to a few of these wonderful people and share their stories.

Today, meet Jack…

What team do you coach?

I coach my eldest son, Ike’s team. He plays under 11 Boys (Team 14). 

How long have you been coaching?

This is my first season coaching.

Tell us a little about you

I’m a father of 3 kids who would all rather watch ‘Bluey’ than the NBA. But for a couple hours each week, the whole family watches Basketball without complaining – so long as it’s a Hawks game!  

What made you volunteer?

I filled in for a couple of Ike’s training sessions last year and loved it. It was Basketball without any scores, among a group of kids who just loved being together.  They were so eager to learn and watching them improve week after week was pretty special.  

What’s the best thing about coaching?

Having the best seat in the house at each game!  

What advice would you have for someone thinking about volunteering?

Find something you love doing and if you find an opportunity to help out, do it. It’s time well spent.